Monday, May 16, 2011

CNN's Anti-Israeli Bias

CNN is unable to put any event into context when it concerns Israel. In reporting on a Palestinean protest to mark the formation of the State of Israel, the reporter links Israel's formation to the displacement of 700,000 Palestineans 60 years ago.

The actual fact is that the 700,000 people were not displaced by Israel. They left. They left because Arab countries intended to (and, indeed, did) attack Israel on the very day of its formation, to simultaneously snuff out the Jewish state upon its birth. The Palestineans were encouraged to leave as they were assured by Arab leaders that the Jews would be destroyed and they would able return to their land and homes free of Israel and the Jews. As it happens, Israeli defeated the Arab armies and those who had left in anticipation of Israel's defeat were unable to return to the land they VOLUNTARILY vacated to fulfill their own political agenda.

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