Thursday, February 4, 2010

Nancy Pelosi Actions Are Anti-American

Has Nancy Pelosi ever seen a big government program she didn't like? No, except for anything defense related. She has an uncanny knack for being completely and consistently at odds with anything that will actually improve the economy, increase private job creation or make the country more secure. It is incredible to me that this woman is serving as Speaker of The House, let alone that was even elected to Congress.

Apparently, she believes that continued expansion of government is the answer to all social evils even as the country is drowning in debt. Even a moron in a hurry should understand that only the private sector can create lasting jobs which are net positive to the tax base. Stated differently, if the government has to spend more in tax dollars to create a job than the government will collect in taxes and productive economic value therefrom, the taxpayer is the loser. This is an elemental concept yet she is too busy flying off in military airplanes (along with select friends, allies and family) befitting of her exalted status as Speaker, oftentimes to venues such as Copenhagen to support policies contrary to the best interests of American business (and, concomitantly, the American worker).

I sometimes wonder if Pelosi even understands that the United States is not an instrument of the United Nations or that blaming George W. Bush and the United States for the world's problems is beyond her powers of logic to cohere.

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