Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reid Suddenly Cares About Individual Liberty When Vegas Is Concerned

Harry Reid is a stalwart liberal progressive, willing to lead the charge for massive government expansion and intrusion into individual affairs except, apparently, when that conflicts with political reality. As reported in Politico.com, Reid chastised President Obama for suggesting that Americans "... not blow a load of cash in Vegas when you're trying to save for college." And a fellow Nevada Democratic Congresswoman, Shelley Berkley was even more direct: "Enough is enough!" she said. "President Obama needs to stop picking on Las Vegas and he needs to let Americans decide for themselves how and where to spend their hard earned vacation dollars. (Emphasis supplied.)

While I agree, in this instance, with the sentiments expressed by the now conveniently one-issue libertarian Nevada politicos, it is difficult to reconcile their view that "hard-earned vacation dollars" should be spent by Americans at they see fit, but the same control over their finances does not apply to the rest of their money. The difference is merely provincialism. Reid and his aforementioned cohort understand that tourism is the business of Las Vegas and any effort to derail it will hurt their constituents and their respective reelection bids. But why is this obvious, especially to Majority Leader Reid, only when his own political interests are affected? Why isn't this basic American concept that people should be able to spend their money as they choose not equally relevant to decisions regarding healthcare and education and government bailouts?

Either Reid is oblivious to the inherent contradiction in his political views over the nature, extent and application of individual liberties of Americans or he is intellectually dishonest and, even worse, a hypocrite. Do as I say and not as I do should be Reid's campaign slogan as the Majority Leader's power or the fear of losing it has gone to his non-thinking head.

When are liberals like Reid going to realize that in all aspects of their financial and personal affairs, Americans should be of the same dominion? I fear not soon or never because Reid doesn't have a consistent political viewpoint other than trying to shove an ulta-liberal, progressive agenda down the collective throat of the electorate without regard for the Constitution and individual rights and the limits of government.

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